Big Red here with a final question from "Mort Walker"...
Mort asks,
“Big Red, when did Neck Bands become adjustable?”
Well Mort,
The Chicago Depot suggested making the Neck Band adjustable in January of 1942 around the time the Head Band was revised to an adjustable design. The odd thing about the suggestion was that the language used inferred that the adjustable band should be made as part of the Neck Band Support.

If this inference was intended or if an adjustable type that could be snapped into place was discussed is not part of the record. Either way, as of March 1944, this suggestion was still under consideration by the Military Planning Division in Washington. Extensive testing continued for another seven months until September before the decision to eliminate the three sizes of Neck Band in favor of a single adjustable band was finally made.
The Office of The Quartermaster General placed the Chicago Quartermaster Depot (CQMD) in charge of liner procurement in February 1942. The CQMD managed the procurement of liners through prime contractors who sub-contracted for all the components necessary to make the liner except for the Head Band and Neck Band, which was procured directly by the CQMD. The Standardization Branch of the Office of The Quartermaster General generated the drawings and specifications for the liner and all of its components. The Neck Band was the 64th item recorded and was therefore listed under specification 64.
Revisions in the Neck Band nomenclature, sizes being labeled small, medium and large, were changed for adjustable bands. The majority of adjustable bands are stamped with the contract number, the name or initials of the manufacturer and the year (1945).
Several contracts for adjustable bands also included the specification, C.Q.D. No. 64B, denoting the drawing spec 64 for the Neck Band with revision B which included a bar buckle for adjustment.
Although the specification and drawings for adjustable bands had been issued the Chicago Quartermaster Depot gave permission for variances, as it had done on all previous introductions of changes, to prevent delinquencies in delivery. One such variance was given to the Comfort Slipper Corporation (C.S.C) of Fitchburg, Massachusetts who delivered Neck Bands to the previous specification. These bands were marked as per the previous specification of size but also include the 64-B specification number and the year, 1945, stamp as required under the most current specification.

Big Red Says!

Awesome research. I have a few nos Schlueter that I took out of the crates. They all had neck bands on the liners. but a stack of adjustable ones tossed into the crates.
On a different subject, do you have more information on the assembly lines of the m1? I have a stamped untrimed rejected? But it has a hole on the top. I’ve seen the video with making liners, and she’s using something like a stamp untrimed shell to mold the liner cotton parts into.
I also have a thick m1 press. I think it’s a Schlueter because it fits directly inside a shell. But I’m not sure what it is. It’s a bit off and assuming this is why it was rejected or how it was brought home by a factory worker or something like a scrap yard pickup.
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