M-1 Liner Suspension System “Neck Band Support”

Big Red here with a question from "Mort Walker"...

    So, TAKE FIVE!

    Mort asks,

    "Big Red, I am extremely confused by liner terminology. When I am on a helmet forum there seems to be a dozen names to refer to everything. What is a Neck Strap?"

    Great hearing from you Mort,

    The “Neck Strap” was one of two fabric assemblies that formed the M-1 liner’s suspension system and was attached directly to the liner body. The first component was the Suspension Cradle Assembly and the second was the “Neck Strap” which was formally referred to as the “Neck Band Support”.

    The Neck Band Support was a length of fabric webbing secured to the liner body with three washer and rivet assemblies in the rear of the liner right below the cradle.

    Two inches to either side of the center attachment were positioned a pair of female snap fasteners.

    This section of webbing was originally cut to a length that allowed the ends to be folded back over itself for added resistance against tearing or fraying mimicking the Riddell football helmet design it originated from.

    Motivated by a directive to reduce the overall weight of the helmet assembly and the need to conserve webbing led to the modification of this strap. By the latter part of 1942 this section of webbing would be cut to a shorter length by eliminating the folds at the ends leaving the pinked edges exposed.


    Collectors Note:

    Liner suspension assemblies fabricated from white or silver Rayon were all contracted for and manufactured prior to the elimination of the folded ends. This means that regardless of the type of liner or when these assemblies were installed, the neck band support strap will have folded ends.



    and remember Mort,
    if your friends want to know how you gained your intel, tell em


    Big Red Says!



    • Anonymous

      Hey Jim, I appreciate the reply,
      It wasn’t specifically targeted to a liner; however, it was determined by what the prime liner contractor had on hand. If a prime contractor still had rectangular washers on hand the CQMD would approve their use to prevent delays on waiting for new triangular ones. McCord would have had the largest stockpile of older suspension parts and therefore liners they were contracted to put suspensions in would have these older parts. Westinghouse, who designed the triangular washer, would have been the first to use them in high-pressure liners with rayon.

    • Jim Morrison

      Great info, that had me searching with more questions. I noticed the last pic with rayon folded with an A washer on a high pressure liner. did they use whatever washer was on hand or was it specific to the liner. my hunt for answers continues

    • Mary Murray

      Great work! Love it.

    • Kevin Rowley

      Fantastic! All these little parts of the story of the M1 is so valuable!

    • Curt Reus

      - Very informative, detailed/ accurate intel/ info – from my experience (ideal for the less experienced collector/ re-enactor)
      - Josh Murray every bit the “hands-on” expert, as any of the “book authors/ collectors”
      - The “turned-end” neckband support Liners (short-lived) harder to find; as well the rayon lined High-Pressure Liner, in-general.
      - Always appreciate more information

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