If I had a dime...
If I had a dime for every time I've been dragged into a debate over that little alphanumeric stamp inside an M-1 helmet, I could pay off me tab. Now don't ya go tellin Patty I said that, 'cause he won't let me have another pint till I pay up.
Here's an article I came across that sheds some light on what these numbers were for, where they came from, and how they got assigned to a helmet.
I've tried to get Joshua to read it, but "apparently" it doesn't have enough pictures to keep his attention, so.... I'm supposin it's up to you.
So, what do you think?
Did this information change your position on lot numbers?
Let me know in the comments.

- Since becoming somewhat ‘ed-u-mcated’ on the theory of U.S. WW2 era Helmet “Heat Lot” gospel, being a semi-reliable form of ‘carbon-dating’; I’ve always been leery of it’s exactness in terms of ‘dating’ a Helmet Assy. During many frantic production cycles how was all that steel managed/ sorted & stacked – to keep all of it ‘straight’ ? Probably, it wasn’t really, in ways many collectors/ dealers/ sellers still envision.
A classic example of a properly r referenced research. I’ve stripped down enough lids to know the Heat stamp matrix that circulates on the Internet is somewhat fanciful. It all make so much sense and if you read this essay and integrate that knowledge a whole new world of possibilities open up ! As you were trooper!
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