The M-1 steel helmet body had been in production almost a full year prior to the appearance of the first high-pressure plastic liners in May 1942. These first helmets were produced as complete assemblies, including a paper fiber liner with attributes that, beyond making the helmet wearable, were not robust enough to withstand prolonged use in the field. The plastics industry of 1942 was only in its infancy, and the level of development of any product remotely like what the Army wanted the liner to be was still experimental at best. Nonetheless, the Office of The Quartermaster General (OQMG) was convinced that plastic was the answer to the liner problem and pursued this option relentlessly.

With the knowledge that the plastics industry lacked the practical experience to establish rules or anticipate potential problems, the OQMG formed a committee comprising the best players from their ranks along with industry experts who could devise the most effective strategy for success. Once the OQMG felt all reasonable preparations had been accounted for, they made an immediate push toward production.

In February 1942, the OQMG assigned procurement responsibility for the plastic liner to the Chicago Quartermaster Depot (CQMD). Immediately, the Depot found themselves confronted with a long and complicated list of problems they would have to solve, the least of which was a constantly fluctuating design specification. Tempering optimism with reality, the CQMD adopts the position of acquiring the best liner available while innovating and improving both design and manufacturing until they achieve the production of the desired liner.

In early July 1941, the OQMG began a series of investigations and tests aimed at determining the best materials, resin formulas, and plasticizing process necessary for a durable plastic liner. These tests culminated with ballistics testing at the Aberdeen Proving Ground the same month the CQMD assumed responsibility for procurement. The companies involved were General Motors Corp., Inland Mfg. Div., Detroit, Mich.; Mine Safety Appliances Co., Pittsburgh, Penn.; Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Micarta Department, Detroit, Mich.; and St. Clair Rubber Co., Detroit, Mich. The first order of business for the CQMD, therefore, was to finalize terms for initial contracts, followed by speed to production.

While testing had shown that low-pressure liners performed well below those of the high-pressure method, they significantly outperformed fibre liners. This higher level of durability with a perceived faster timeline for sustained production over the high-pressure method prompted the CQMD to issue low-pressure contracts to limit the number of fibre liners needed. The fibre liner solution developed by Ordnance was a non-issue as it was an adaptation of an existing product. Therefore, any need to purchase additional fibre liners to keep helmet distribution moving while the new plastic solution was developed would be a simple one.

The Inland Manufacturing Division of General Motors Corp. received the first contract for high-pressure liners in the second week of February 1942. Three more prime contractors were chosen, and three additional contracts quickly followed, totaling an initial quantity of 2,834,000 plastic liners to be delivered on or before November 1942. Inland and Westinghouse were both contracted to produce 1,000,000 liners each, while the Mine Safety Appliances Co. was contracted to produce 384,000. The remaining 450,000 plastic liners were contracted from St. Clair Rubber Co., who would use a low-pressure method.

On March 2, 1942, the CQMD issued a second contract to McCord for an additional 1,000,000 fibre liners, which were intended to satisfy liner need, while the four initial firms contracted in February tooled up and got plastic liner production underway. Mid-April saw the selection of a second group of prime contractors, comprising four high-pressure and two low-pressure firms. Six contracts, totaling 2,350,000 plastic liners, were let, bringing the total of plastic liners in the works to 5,184,000.

In April 1942, helmet body production began to outpace the liner, and as the helmet was unusable without it, the need for speed became more profound. Having promised a sustained output of 1,000 liners per week by May, contractors scheduled pressing activities across three 8-hour shifts, 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, while assembly activities took place on a single 8-hour shift during the same 6-day work week, with the option for a second shift.

By the end of May 1942, the OQMG became overly anxious to expedite production and sent an “Immediate Action” letter to the CQMD requesting that they ensure that all representatives assigned to oversee manufacturing at each contracted firm have a high level of production competence. These officers would keep tabs on production, which they communicated back to the CQMD in daily reports. In this way, the CQMD could remain on top of all liner activity, allowing, in the event of a problem, to react quickly and minimize potential production delays.

Now you know….
I appreciate your research and knowledge into some the lesser known and forgotten WWII history.
What a knowledgeable person you are Joshua. You’re the man. Here I am, just turned 89 and I’m still learning stuff that I wondered about for years. Thanks for all your work and your wife’s work also.
LeRoy Caron one of your long term customers and friend
Great info Josh. Over the years, after working with each of these makes of liners, in my opinion, the finest is the INLAND
That’s really good account of liner making, context is everything!
Another great post.
These are very much appreciated. 👍
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