Failure To Launch -- Plastic Liner Procurement II
Despite warnings, the Office of The Quartermaster General, with assurances from civilian contractors, pushes for immediate production of the new M-1 plastic liner. Complications arising from double-headed management within the Quartermaster Corps and a lack of preparedness within manufacturing firms to deal with problems presented by this new product result in significant production delays.
Liner Procurement Timeline
A Supplement to: The Need For Speed
When we juxtapose the unfolding events of plastic liner procurement with the concurrent events of WWII, the story of the need for speed in liner production becomes even more compelling.
The Need For Speed -- Plastic Liner Procurement I
By 1941, the decision to design and manufacture a truly American helmet was already underway. Liner design was in a state of constant fluctuation as those in charge struggled to find the best solution possible. By the end of the year, the possibility of war had turned into an actual war, prompting the need for speed to manufacturing.
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Mentonnière en cuir VI - « Mouton brun de la famille »
Tout produit fabriqué en série présentera inévitablement des défauts et des variations.