Schnellreparatur für Airborne-Helm

Big Red sagt:

Hör zu, Buttercup! Ich habe eine Frage an Sie...

Also, nimm fünf!

Nach all dem Gerede über komplizierte Modifikationen an Bordausrüstung wollte ich wissen, ob irgendjemand da draußen jemals eine der einfachsten und schnellsten Lösungen entdeckt hat, die Fallschirmjäger verwendeten, um zu verhindern, dass sich Helm und Liner während eines Sprungs voneinander lösen?

Gute Vermutung, Bueller,

Die Troopers ließen den Riemen am Innenfutter befestigt und zogen den ledernen Kinnriemen vollständig aus und wickelten ihn um den Helmkörper.

Wenn deine Freunde wissen wollen, wie du an deine Informationen gekommen bist, sag es ihnen
Big Red sagt!

4 Kommentare

  • John Riley

    I went through Airborne School at Fort Benning in 1985. The requirement then was to use 100mph tape to secure both the front and back of the helmet line and the helmet – and it had to be done neatly! The only students to get the Kevlar helmet at the time were those with large heads. One of my classmates completed all 5 jumps with one hand on his reserve rip cord grip and one on top of his head to keep his brain bucket from flying off!

  • Anonymous

    I graduated from airborne school in April 1971. At that time it was SOP to run the steel pot chinstraps through the helmet liner’s chip strap yokes. It never seems to have been done in WWII, based on pictures, but I don’t know when the Airborne Board made this a safety requirement. One thing; this technique uses up a lot of the strap by diverting it this way. If you’ve got a big head, stuffed into the helmet with the “brain blotter”, plus a shortened chin strap, it was anything but comfortable. Life sucked from the JMPI to the time you could rip the helmet off your head after you got off the DZ (you have to keep your helmet on while on the DZ—things are dropping from the sky…).

  • phillip

    i thought you were going to say tape. ive seen A LOT of tape residue on airborne liners. especially later ones.

  • Pat Faulkner

    In the eighties, late eighties for me, just before the PASGT was wide spread issued. We were trained to run the steel pot chinstraps thru the jump liners chinstrap yolks.

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